The Center of Everything

My annual dharma-sangha officially starts soon, and as a prequel, Kelly Blaser has gathered folks for a free week-long series of writing sessions.

Seed line used for writing session: 
“The center of everything.  Leave nothing in your wake.”
from the poem Regret Nothing by January Gill O’neill

The Center of Everything
by Alan Zucker

As the river rushes around me I hear the voice from the bank.

This moment. 
This place and time. 
This is the center of everything. 
What happens next is your choice. 
Will you choose based on fear?

Will you allow the love
to flow and carry you
to a place where you let go
of aversion and desire,
so that you can see
precisely what is required?

Then and there, you will regret nothing. 
Then and there, you will leave nothing in your wake.
Then and there, your actions will be aligned
in accord with what is.
Walking with your whole heart intact.

center of everything